Saturday, July 9, 2022

Remembering You

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Remembering You", the same old binge-reading habits (available through #BookFunnel).

["“Careful there, Robbie.” 

My sweater obscured part of my sight, and my fogged-up glasses managed to take care of the rest of it, but I’d recognize that voice anywhere, even after eight long years. It was deeper now, a bit more gravelly, but it most definitely belonged to the guy I’d spent most of my early teenage years pining after. My first—and unrequited—love. 

“Troy?” I exclaimed, blinking my confusion as he helped pull my sweater the rest of the way off. 

Troy Jacobs’ gorgeous lips twitched in amusement. “You remember me. Didn’t know if you would.” 

“Oh, I remember you,” I mumbled. Hard to forget your first kiss—or the first guy you ever loved."]

These two were soooo damn cute! The angst wasn't all that terrible, just a precursor to them getting together. Spoiler alert. 

Also, Christmas in Hawaii? Sign. Me. The. Fuck. Up.

Much like the last piece, because it was so short, just shy of 45 pages, I can't gush too much about their love without spoiling anything, even though I want to. So seriously, just go read it (to read this one, you have to sign up for Crystal's newsletters to get a password that unlocks previously posted short stories locked in a cute little safe on her website). 

#rememberingyou #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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