Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Text Me Up (Love & Luck series #7.5)

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Isla Olsen's "Text Me Up" (which is part of her Love & Luck series; Isla also wrote the Goode Life series and the Suits & Sevens series).

Due to unfortunate happenstance, my precious phone is currently on its way to Ireland in the not-so-safe hands of Callum Foley—my sister’s boyfriend’s cousin. I’ve only met the guy once and my impression was unsettling at best, so the thought of him accessing my phone with all its private contents fills me with nothing but dread.

But I have Callum’s phone with me, so when he starts teasing me about some of my apps I figure it’s fair game to dive into its contents. What one guy needs with twelve different hook-up apps, I’ll never know.

We agree to overnight the phones as soon as Callum arrives home, but it turns out a lot can happen on a six hour flight to Ireland, and I find that when the time comes, I’m not so eager to give up this connection to him… "]

This book!! D: It was so damn cute! The banter just floooooowed so fucking well, and the flirting was so encouraging and dirty and wonderful. Nate and Callum Clicked, capital C. Cheesy (with another Capital C--I'll let you fill in what that third Capital C could be ;) )as it is, they were meant to be. It was beautiful and easy; and then the miscommunication trope hit, and the angst and the pining rose, and W O W.

Loooooooooved this series. So much. Loved this book. So. Much. And now, I really can't wait until the eighth book ("Sex, Tries, and Videotapes") debuts. 

#textmeup #islaolsen #fakeittilyoumakeit #virtuallyscrewed #crazylittlefling #hopelessbromantics #twomenandababy #cantgetyououtofmybed #comeallyekellys #sextriesandvideotapes #thegoodelife #thegoodelifeseries #suitsandsevens #suitsandsevensseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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