Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Crush

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Briar Prescott's "The Crush" (Briar also wrote the Better With You series).

["Subway rides are the best part of my day. That's when I see him. The hot subway guy. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. It's ridiculous to crush so hard on somebody I only see on the subway every other day, but luckily I've never been one to let common sense bring me down.

Too bad I've kissed one too many frogs, so I'm a bit gun-shy about relationships. But there's something about Caleb that draws me to him and makes me want to take a chance.

After all, I want him to be more than just the crush. "]

I love how fucking dramatic Briar makes her characters, in a really fun and quirky and totally adorable kinda way. That's August. And of course, Caleb was fucking smitten.

This story was so cute and so sweet and so fluffy and so fun and yes, so hot. Spoiler Alert: the crush went both ways, both were idiots that didn't want to put themselves out there but still really, really wanted the sunshine and butterflies they got every morning on the train.

Spoiler Alert 2: they got it...and so much more. ;)

#thecrush #briarprescott #betterwithyou #betterwithyouseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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