Monday, September 26, 2022

Shattered Pieces (Heathens Ink #4)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The forth book to read in the Heathens series "Shattered Pieces," and it's Gage's book (the one secretly in love with Adam's brother).

["“I was sure my heart had withered away years ago, but then you smiled at me, and I felt it beat again.” ~Gage
Years ago, I fell in love with my best friend’s little brother. Then, he took his own life, leaving me shattered and unable to piece my heart back together. I’ve been a zombie for nine long years. Until a crazy, gorgeous man walked into Heathens Ink and injected color back into my world of gray. No matter how hard I try to resist Beck, he just won’t give up on me. I would need steel willpower to withstand his gorgeous long legs in those high heels and his drawer full of lacy lingerie. But is this just a kinky hook up or does it have the possibility for more?

“We’re both broken, but our jagged edges fit together well” ~ Beck
When you’re half of a whole you never contemplate what life would be like without your matching piece. Since my twin sister, Brianna, died last year, nothing I do seems to quiet my soul. I know there has to be some way for me to feel happy and whole again. And, when I look into the pained eyes of the tattoo artist at Heathens Ink, I feel like I have a purpose. I can’t explain it, but I feel like I have to find a way to put him back together."]

I ugly cried during this book..a lot, a lot, a lot. It Gage needed woken up, and all of a sudden, he found himself smiling and laughing and Happy. He was actually engaging and feeling, and yeah, it was terrifying as fuck, but he was awake again. Beck is drawn to lost souls, so of course he found and was instantly drawn to Gage; and then he did the thing he promised himself he wouldn't, Beck fell for Gage.

But don't worry, there's a happily ever after in this one, too. ;)

Also, it's probably for the best that I didn't read "Broken Shards" (Johnny's story), because I'm sure it would have sent me into a very deep and dark depressive episode. Even reading Gage's story, nine years after the fact, was hard as fuck. Like "maybe sometimes your whole life sounds a little too daunting to a kid who is struggling to find the emotional energy to make it until tomorrow"...shit, man, that's too accurate.

Trigger Warnings: off the page suicide, off the page drug use, depression, anxiety, grieving the lose of a loved one, etc

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