Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Snow One Like You (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #9)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The ninth book in this series is titled "Snow One Like You," and it's by Ashe Winters. 

["Trapped in the mountains by a massive snow storm is bad enough. It can’t possibly get any worse, can it? But oh, yes. Yes it can.

I'm comfortable with my calm, organized, and simple life. I enjoy my job as a date-for-hire with Valentine’s Inc. until the newest edition to the company throws my life into utter chaos.

Spencer is a hurricane I never wanted to experience. And now I’m trapped alone with him in our bosses’ mountain cabin by a surprise snow storm with only a small generator and our own bodies to keep us warm.

I’m not sure if I can survive both the raging blizzard outside and the burning storm growing in my heart the longer I’m forced to spend time with the real Spencer.."]

This book was soooo cute! Like, you could tell that Spencer was being a brat, because he had uncomfortable and unwanted feelings for Angelo. Angelo didn't have feelings per se, but he was attracted to Spencer, even though he didn't want to be.

The moment they finally caved to their desires was super explosive. The feelings also hit really hard during that moment slash after it slash before it if you weren't in denial like Angelo.

The romance aspect all happened after the cabin and the lust-y, steam-y stuff. It was just as sweet and just as worth it.

Overall, a very, very awesome read.

#snowonelikeyou #ashewinters

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