Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Billionaire's Valet

Lucy Lennox recently wrote a shorty story titled "The Billionaire's Valet" for the anthology "Dissent." "Dissent" is a charity romance anthology involving 150 authors of romance genres in which all proceeds will be donated to organizations benefiting reproductive rights right the US.

["Iggy has always been a posh party boy, never taking things seriously, including relationships.

But it turns out, there is one man he values above all others. One man who he relies on and whose stoic reliability and care form the backbone of Iggy's life.

Someone he's been in love with half his life.

Jonathan Banks was a career valet to a posh playboy. After twenty years of serving as Iggy's personal servant, he needs a break. Jon can't keep watching Iggy leave him behind to live his big life.

So he leaves. He finally takes the dream safari train trip he's always wanted, but when he boards the luxury sleeper car, he realizes Iggy's followed him to South Africa. Can this be the beginning of a new adventure for them both?"]

Obviously, this story was fabulous; it's written by Lucy. And if you remember Iggy, he's Lio's best friend from "Felix and the Prince" (part of her Forever Wilde series).

This book was short and sweet--with just the perfect amount of steam. Though, there was some chest-aching angst in there, on both sides of the romance. But, with any book, there was one fabulous happily ever after. ;)

Buy it now before it's gone!!

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