Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Uncomplicated (Inked #2)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The second book to read in the Inked series "Uncomplicated."

["Two men with a rocky history, and one with an all-consuming love for both of them.

Sometimes I’m so lonely I swear I can’t breathe. I bring men and women into my bed to chase away the ache, but it never seems to help. I want something real, something lasting, but I’ve never been more afraid of anything in my life. If I have nothing else in my life I can count on, at least I have my best friend, Cas. If I have nothing else in my life that feels solid, at least I have Cas.

Until one sad smile from a beautiful man tilts my world on its axis.

But Finn is Cas’ ex, and that means he’s off limits, right? What if I could have something permanent, if I’m willing to put my heart on the line? Finn and Cas may have a history, but something tells me the three of us could have a future, if we’re willing to let things get a little complicated."]

In case they sound familiar: Cas is the police officer who helped Nox in the third Heathen's book ("From Ashes"). His roommate/lover Beau is the bartender at the bar the whole crew frequents; he was mentioned in pretty much every book so far. Finn made his first appearance near the end of the fourth Heathens book ("Shattered Pieces").

K.M. doesn't traditionally do a lot of angst, because, as she puts it (not an exact quote) "the LGBT+ community has already dealt with so much pain and loss and trauma, my books don't need to be adding to it". But this book was alllll kiiiiiiinds of angst. 

I mean, the angst was worth it, but man..

This was another "it wasn't easy for them" book. They had to work for it. They had to be vulnerable and ask for what they wanted. And even after that, the path wasn't easy. But they (obviously with a guaranteed HEA) made it work.

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