Sunday, October 9, 2022

Beat Of Their Own Drum (Replay series #3)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Next up is K.M. Neuhold's Replay series. The third book is titled "Beat Of Their Own Drum," and it's Jude's book (the drummer and does drugs/is self-destructive--Archer is the band's manager).

Bennett’s firm hand is everything I need…except maybe Archer’s gentle touch. I’m in a downward spiral…see what I did there? When the band manager, Archer, hires Bennett to keep me from screwing up while the band is on hiatus, I may have finally met someone who won’t take my attitude lying down. With the three of us cooped up together for weeks on end, I have a feeling things might get interesting.

Downward Spiral is my baby. But it’s obvious I haven’t done a great job because they’re falling apart. There’s only one man I can think of who might be able to get Jude back on the right track, Bennett. Unfortunately, he’s also the man I let get away sixteen years ago and haven’t gotten over since.

Control is kind of my thing. Which is probably why I’m the best in the business when it comes to getting out of control celebrities back on track. When my ex calls and tells me he’s desperate for my help, I can’t turn him down. Between the infuriatingly sexy drummer with no idea what kind of trouble he’s asking for, and my ex looking better than ever, there’s no way this isn’t about to get messy."]

This book was almost angsty. But it was also soooo good! Their balance was perfect. It was exactly what they all needed. They all harmonized with each other (music pun not intended), found things out about themselves, and jumped over new hurdles. It was so fluffy and steamy and absolutely amazing. 

Trigger Warnings: drug use, overdosing, ect

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