Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Face The Music (Replay series #1)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Next up is K.M. Neuhold's Replay series. The first book is titled "Face The Music," and it's Lincoln's book (the singer and self-harms/is suicidal).

I thought there was only one thing I needed to make me happy. I was so sure becoming a rock star would heal the dark corners inside me. But every time I walk onto the stage, with a roaring crowd screaming my name, all I can think about is the boy I left behind. All I want to do is rewind and make a different choice.

I thought I hated Lincoln when he ghosted me ten years ago and destroyed my heart. I thought I hated him when he wrote a chart-topping hit about our idyllic young love. But I’ve never hated him as much as I do right now, standing in front of me like he has every right to be in my world again. He’s not the rock god I thought he was...he’s still that same lost boy I used to love. Can I ever trust him with my heart again?"]

Holy. Shit.

Okay, so yes, I'll preface this review by saying this book is dark. as. hell. Please check the triggers below. The self-harm and suicide attempts (or self-harm incidents that lead to accidental attempted suicide) are on page and description. The descriptions of Linc's depression and dark thoughts and twisty feelings are H A R D to read. They were scary accurate, let's just say.

The romance though? Just as description and accurate. It was hard but fluffy and sweet at the same time. It took them a while to get back to where they had been (spoiler alert: there's also some scenes of them falling in love as kids and total heart-eyes there), but they talked and worked together. Sooooo beautiful and soooooooooo worth the dark and twisty stuff (even if I went into a full-blown depressive episode myself).

Trigger Warnings: self-harm, suicidal thoughts, depression, bipolar disorder, ect

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