Sunday, November 27, 2022

Pixie (Ballsy Boys series #5)

Maybe starting a new series will help me out of my book slump? One can only hope. Here is Nora Phoenix and K.M. Neuhold's Ballsy Boys series. The fifth and final book is titled "Pixie," and it's Pixie's book (the one who just wants a place to belong). 

["Everybody loves Pixie.
Everybody wants Pixie.
But Pixie needs a Daddy, and his heart is set on me.

I’m determined to resist him, for more reasons than I can count.

He’s too young for me. He’s my employee. And he’s everything I’ve been avoiding for half my life.

He’s vibrant. He’s sweet. He’s absolutely perfect, no matter how much I don’t want him to be.

I want nothing more than to take care of him, to protect him and pamper him…but how can I start something with him when I know I’ll eventually break his heart? Can I really be the Daddy Pixie needs?"]

I've been waiting for this book since the prologue. So. Fucking. Worth. It.

So much fluff but sooooo much angst! It could just be my current mental state, but I definitely bawled during a decent portion of this book.

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