Monday, December 5, 2022

Heart2Heart: A Charity Anthology: Volume 6

The sixth volume of the Heart2Heart anthology just debuted this past week. I read most of it (all of the authors that I read/binge-read) the other night, and I hope to finish it sometime in the future.

["Once upon a time, a bunch of authors wondered... what would happen if Heart2Heart, the dating app responsible for pairing up the quirkiest, most perfect couples, brought people together by asking the questions they never knew they needed answered?

From learning each other’s secret zombie survival skills, to disputing the greatest starship captain ever, to confessing their feelings about Cornish pasties, the characters in these fourteen brand new stories inspired by reader suggestions will learn that no matter how random the question… love is always the answer.
And, as always, all proceeds from this anthology will benefit LGBTQ+ charities to ensure that love in all its incarnations will be celebrated and protected every day of the year!"]

I read (and loooooooooved) "Love Down Under" by Eden Finley, "My Darcy" by Lily Morton, "The Anti-Wingman" by Saxon James, and "The Choice" by Sloane Kennedy.

They were aaallllll fabulous and fun and flirty and steamy and fluffy. There were some triggers in a few of them so please messages me if you want those. 

I love when these authors (and others) work together to write a book/series, but when they come together for a charity anthology? Fab. U. Lous.

#lovedownunder #edenfinley #mydary #lilymorton #theantiwingman #saxonjames #thechoice #sloanekennedy #heart2heart #heart2heartanthology  #heart2heartacharityanthology #heart2heartacharityanthologyvolumesix #volumesix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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