Saturday, December 24, 2022

On A Midnight Clear

I'm not sure why I skipped past "On A Midnight Clear" by Lily Morton when I was binging her books a few months ago. But what's a better day to read it than Christmas Eve?

["It can safely be said that Lord Barnaby Greenwood is not having the best of Christmases.

He’s penniless, up to his eyeballs in debt, and about to lose his estate. Therefore, it’s hardly surprising that when a local property developer offers a lot of money to buy King’s Wood from him, Barnaby is very tempted. But his father had always impressed on him that the green wood was sacred and must be protected at all costs, so he finds himself saying no.

He knows this will result in the loss of his home, but duty comes before everything. However, that fateful decision leads instead to a magical Christmas for Barnaby, complete with an old god who grants him a favour, and a beautiful statue that comes to life.

Cosmo is perfect for him. He’s funny and kind and completely enraptured with Barnaby, and for the first time in his life, Barnaby falls in love. But how can this lead to anything but heartache, when on the last stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve, Cosmo will go back to being a statue and take Barnaby’s heart with him?"]

Definitely up with the Christmas spirit!! There was sooo much magic and happiness! It was beautiful and glorious (and a little more borderline-fantasy than magical realism, but totally with it).

There was quite a bit of angst, mostly around the timeframe they had together and the dark magic that swirled on the outside, but the fairy lights and their love for each other kept it all at bay. 

#onamidnightclear #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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