Sunday, December 11, 2022

Watch Me (Working Out The Kinks series #1.5)

I'm not sure which To Do/To Read list I'm following, but I'm not very good at it. ;) Here's the Working Out The Kinks series by K.M. Neuhold. The second book (a short story) is called
 "Watch Me" (reading out of order again--fight me, again).

["Someone’s watching us. If I had known whispering those words to my boyfriend, Anderson, would end our dry spell, I would have said them months ago. In an instant he’s on his knees, yanking my shorts down, excitement shining in his eyes at the thought of someone watching. If he wants to try a little exhibitionism, I’m certainly game."]

This story was basically about how discovering something new about yourself and your personal preferences when it comes to sex and make an already established relationship better and closer and happier (which, I'm guessing is also a theme in the first book of this series).

It had communication about kink and fantasies. It had trust. It had love. It also had a lot of steam. Like a loooooot. This story was only about 40 pages, but holy shit, the amount of sex scenes this lady managed to pack in? A. Loooooot. ;)

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