Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Short Stack 2

HERE are all of the short stories and bonus chapters I've ben looking for a few weeks ago (okay, months ago, I got a little behind on things) when I was binge-reading through all of Lily Morton's book! She collected all of them off of her websites to edit them together into one collection: "Short Stack 2."

["What happens after the happy ending?

Drawn together for the first time, this is a collection of Lily’s short stories about some of the much-loved men from her books. Follow them through wet and windy marriage proposals, surprise workplace visits, and a very entertaining ghost tour.

It includes stories previously written for her website, newsletter, and readers’ group, along with four brand new and exclusive short stories—Gertie and the Glitch, A Red Ribbon, When Will Met Jem, and Sun Cove."]

I'll list all of the couples included as well as their original novel/novella for your convenience. Okay, for mine. I know I'll be going back to reread the blurbs so I can fully remember which couple is from what book and what antics they had gotten into. ;)

  • Jesse and Zeb from "Best Man" (Close Proximity #1)
  • Charlie and Misha from "Charlie Sunshine" (Close Proximity #2)
  • Max and Felix from "After Felix" (Close Proximity #3)
  • Matt and John from "The Summer of Us" (which I actually never read yet...)
  • Arlo and Jack from "Merry Measure"
  • Mags and Laurie from "Beautifully Unexpected" (which I actually never read yet either...)
  • Mal and Cadan from "Spring Strings"
  • Wren and Mateo from "The Cuckoo's Call" 
  • Barnaby and Cosmo from "On A Midnight Clear"
  • Will and Jem from "The Sceptic" (which I actually never read yet either...yikes, this is a pattern)
  • Simeon and Ziggy from "The Stopping Place"

It's all of the happily ever afters with all of the awkward moments and winning over family and proposals gone wrong and fluff that'll force you to get a root canal. It's a little bit of steam--and a promise of more (more love, more life, more steam).

My favorite: "Of Maps and Valentine's" / "Brighton Rock" / "The Lion Tamers" (I seriously can't decide)

My least favorite (but not hated): I skipped the stories about Matt/John, Mags/Laurie, and Will/Jem until I get around to reading their books, so I technically can't say those were my least favorite stories in this collection, but I'm going to anyway (I WILL get to them eventually).

Favorite couple: Mal and Cadan (almost always them)

#shortstack #shortstacktwo #bestman #charliesunshine #afterfelix #thesummerofus #merrymeasure #beautifullyunexpected #springstrings #thecuckooscall #onamidnightclear #thesceptic #thestoppingplace #closeproximity #closeproximityseries #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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