Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Last Nanny in Manhattan (Nannies of New York #1)

I stumbled across this book the other day when I opened Amazon. It was just staring at me. The cover was okay, and the title was interesting, but the blurb! The blurb hooked me. "The Last Nanny In Manhattan" by K. Sterling is the first book in the Nannies of New York series.

["Walker Cameron III might be one of the most feared men in Manhattan, but he’s no match for his six-year-old triplets. After exhausting all other options, Finley Marshall is the grumpy widower's last hope.

Luckily for the Camerons, Fin is a master of chaos and can calm even the most beastly of children. But Fin soon learns that the girls aren’t the problem; it’s their father. Still grieving and easily overwhelmed, Walker leaves the servants to cope with his little hellions. Fin wants to prove he’s the best nanny in the city and that his older brother, Reid, should start his own agency. Is Fin willing to risk life and limb to do it, though?

Afraid to lose the most competent caregiver to ever cross his threshold, Walker agrees to an unusual set of terms. He’ll give the girls more of his time and practice better parenting with Fin as his guide. But Walker finds himself with a new and unexpected problem. For the first time in years, he’s having very improper thoughts and can’t stop thinking about Fin. Can he keep his feelings to himself or will Walker fall for the last nanny in Manhattan willing to take on the cursed Camerons?"]

I loooooved the premise of this book. It was intriguing and new and a spin on the female-nanny trope that overtook Hallmark a few years ago.

I just..(I hate slightly negative reviews, so forgive me). Fin and his friends descriped him as being XYZ, but he...wasn't. Same goes for Walker; his reputation and how he sees himself is ABC, but he wasn't. I do that sometimes with my own characters, because it's hard to make them mean or make mistakes pre-character-growth. 

And it just...the romance was slow and then wham, it was fast. And sex was...I get that they were going slow and being utterly consensual and respecting their positions and pasts, but damn. 

And a lot of the things that held that back kept coming up, almost word for word. 

I wanted to love this book sooooo bad, but there were a lot of things that almost made me not finish it. 

I'm still going to give the second (and maybe third) book a try, because why the hell not?! Again, the concept of this series is fun and new and totally captivating. And a lot of GoodReads reviewers said that they were surprised they didn't like this book, because they normally loooooove K. Sterling's things (plus, I believe in second chances, and not dismissing someone based one one instance).

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