Monday, March 27, 2023

Little Lick of Lust (Creature Cafe #3)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The third book is "Little Lick of Lust."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the yummy minotaur known as Rum.
Rum thinks it's time to find the one. Someone that can handle his humor, his passion, and his monstrous appearance.
The Barista sets up Rum with a gorgeous, tall, flaming bisexual woman named Penny. After a fumbling first encounter, the two of them hit it off. It doesn't take long for the heat to rise between them, even if the hot minotaur painter wants to take things slow.
Three dates are all it takes for Rum and Penny to find out just how much love can hurt-- and how much it can heal too."]

...they didn't take things slow at all. So it took them two dates to fall in love, and they managed to spread those two dates out over the course of a week (or so), but they were both pretty damn gone before the second date even happened. Said second date turned into a sleepover, which turned into a kidnapping and near-death-experience and moving in together (spoiler alert x3). So yeah, "taking it slow..."

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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