Monday, March 27, 2023

Little PIece of Sass (Creature Cafe #5)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The fifth book is "Little Piece of Sass."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the werewolf/werecat couple known as Al and Luna.
Ready to start building their own pack, they’ve asked the Barista to find someone who’s willing to be loved not by one— but both of them.
When the Barista hires Quinn to work in the cafe, she has plans of revenge against the world of creatures. These plans are ruined when Al and Luna become determined to show Quinn that not all monsters are bad— even if they do bite.
This steamy trio finds themselves falling fast, even when Quinn’s troubled past comes after all three of them. Al, Luna, and Quinn are in this together— fighting tooth and claw for their own happy ending."]

The draw was instant for Al and Luna. They new the moment they met Quinn that she was theirs. Between her grief and anger, Quinn...wasn't all that hard to convince. That's love for you. It's easier than anger; it helps you let go (in more ways than one) and live happily ever after. Even if trouble from the past tries to get in the way (and if you know anything about this series, or these characters, no one touches their loved ones/family).

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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