Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Little Souls of Fire (Creature Cafe #10)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The tenth book is "Little Souls of Fire."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love.
Even the slimy, demented, horned ones.
Even the psychopathic, hellish, tentacled ones.
Even the one that has hated humans for as long as he can remember…"]

FINALLY, the Barista's book! And the last book in the series. Everything has been leading up to this. All of the love (and fluff and steam). All of the near death experiences. All of the friendship and family and connections. 

The plot twist at the beginning of the book!!! D: I totally fucking saw coming, but still! I gasped all dramatic like, giggled, and then teared up. It was fucking perfect.

The whole damn book was perfect?!? And the character redemption arc?!?! Holy. Shit. That right there is what Draco Malfoy needed (and Lucifer got—that says soooo many things that I’m not touching at the moment).

“He tasted a little like hellfire, a little like smoke, and a lot like mien.” and “The hole that had been in my soul for years started to mend.” D: I’m done. I can’t  I’m dead now.

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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