Friday, March 17, 2023

The Christmas Wishes (Ever After #1.5)

Okay I lied; HERE's the final part of the Ever After series (if you read it out of order like I did). It's "The Christmas Wishes," and it's by T.L. Gehr (and it's the sequel to "The Spindle's Curse," the first book in the series).

["Following the traumatic events of The Spindle's Curse, Brian's only wish is to give Philip the best Christmas ever. And what better way than to take him back to his tiny, idyllic, hometown?

While Brian plans a winter getaway worthy of Hallmark, reality intrudes and he's forced to confront his own dark past—a past he'd rather Philip not see.

Meanwhile, Philip has a secret wish of his own."]

This takes place during the second novel (well, as does part of the first novel--but the second part of the second novel takes place days after this novella ends).

This novella was sooooo cute!! D: I mean, there was still a looooot of dark things, but it was more of a recap of the dark things from the main novel as well as a few new drug-related scenes (none for Brain). And, spoiler alert, there was some more steamy sex and fun fluff and a series of almost-proposals (which eventually led to an actual proposal--spoiler alert).

Trigger Warnings: drug use, violence, and more

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