Monday, April 3, 2023

Rules, Schmules! (Fast Break #1)

I really suck at making and sticking to my reading plans for the day... Instead of reading what I had intended or what I had already on my Kindle, I downloaded two new series to binge-read. Here's Becca Seymour's "Rules, Schmules!" (part of her Fast Break series).

["The first Zone Defense series spin-off with a rule-following basketball player and an unimpressed twink who thinks rules are made to be obliterated.

It’s not my milkshake that brings Kieran Kendall to my yard. Okay, maybe it’s a little bit my milkshake. But I also like to think it’s my dazzling personality and my magical… uhm… you get the idea.

Since meeting Kieran, my first, second, and admittedly third impressions of him have changed radically. Not surprising, since he was a prize D during at least two of those encounters. What I should be doing is running from the college basketball star who checks so many of my dream-guy boxes. But do you know how hard it is to find a hot guy who’s as smart as he is talented?

And I’m not just talking about his talent on the basketball court. Heck no.

It’s easy to get distracted by him, because of him, yet as far as he’s concerned, I’m the one who’s a distraction and throwing his carefully constructed plans out of whack.

I should be sorry. I should also be better at guarding my heart.

But Kieran Kendall is under my skin, and getting him to break his rules is far too much fun."]

The sexual tension was fucking real. As was the internal struggles. They both wanted it but couldn't have it (for different reasons). And then, when they finally caved, there was a whole new series of rules to stick to. More time together, more rules. More relationship territory, more rules. More in love...time to break the rules. Also, I think meet-uglys are more entertaining and fun than meet-cutes (or like two or three meet-uglies...).

It was a little back and forth-y for me with their reservations and insecurities, but I can't really judge a person on those (even a fictional one). And the book overall could have been shorter, but then we wouldn't have gotten nearly as much fluff and friendship and character growth and cavity-inducing fluff (yeah, I said fluff twice; unless you met these two, you don't know).

I will be adding the rest of Becca's books to my list soon (I just can't do too much closeted characters in one sitting or I get too sad and too angry at the world).

#rulesschmules #factsmacts #fastbreak #fastbreakseries #beccaseymour #books #queerbooks #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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