Monday, May 22, 2023

Always (Indigo Falls #1)

And here's Loren Leigh's "Always," part of her Indigo Falls series.

["I avoid him.

Every time Kepler Quinn steps into a room, I get the hell out.

He does . . . something to me. When those discerning gray eyes flick towards me, his brow rising in a silent greeting, there’s a tightening of my abs. A zapping hum quivering low along my spine.

There are about a million reasons it shouldn’t be what the little voice in the back of my head insists . . . a crush.

Because Kepler isn’t just some random guy. He’s my brother’s best friend. He’s also my TA for physics this semester. And also . . . a guy. I’ve never held strongly onto being straight, but I’ve also never had this sun-scorching need for another guy before.

But I can’t avoid him when we’re suddenly in the back stacks of the library—alone—nothing but the smell of old books and softly falling dust around us. And instead of walking away from him, I let out the two words that burn in my throat:

“Kiss me.""]

This was a little angsty, or a lot, but not between the main characters. They had practically no angst. They just...fell into lust and then love. It was a coming together of astronomical (in the star-sense) proportions. There was trust and love and possession there that can only come from years of being in each others lives. They didn't have it easy, at all, but it made their love stronger. And deeper. And more magical (that sense of calmness and easy and being able to finally breathe again, all because of one person--god, I want that).

Trigger Warnings: drug use, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, blackmail, assault, and more

#always #lorenleigh #indigofalls #indigofallsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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