Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Call Me Daddy

On a Honey London binge. This is "Call Me Daddy," available on #Smashwords. This is one of her more taboo stories a, fair warning.

["Julian doesn’t expect one phone call to turn his life upside down, but this summer nothing goes quite as planned.

While covering a phone line for a sick friend, an alluring voice awakens a new desire in Julian which he hides from everyone, including his best friend - because some things are just wrong, right? - but as his attraction grows stronger, Julian wonders how much longer he can keep denying his feelings. Not just to his nosy and much too perceptive bestie, but to the one person who can never know. The one he's not supposed to want."]

Okay, so just like twincest, I’ve read dad-son-cest before, but only in fanfic. Having read my first official one, it’s also not my thing. Just like my last two short stories, ignoring the big part of the story, this book was super cute! It was all about love. Sure, it was spicy as all hell, but it was also so freaking fluffy and sweet.   

#callmedaddy #honeylondon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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