Saturday, May 27, 2023

List Me With Your Best Shot (Best Men #2)

Ignoring reading-responsibilities and reading the second novel in Isla Olsen's Best Men series. Here's "List Me With Your Best Shot."

["Here’s a suggestion in case you ever find yourself in the predicament of having to watch the guy you’ve been in love with for the past twenty years marry your ex-fiance: 

Stay away from tequila. 

Actually, just stay away from alcohol altogether. Put the grown-up pants on and just suck it up. Otherwise you might end up literally and figuratively spilling your guts in front of your ex’s best friend, who also happens to be your arch-nemesis. 

I’ve known and disliked Alastor King since high school, and he’s the last person in the world I want knowing my secret. But instead of using the information to destroy my life, he makes me an a month-long sex rehab, after which time he swears any feelings I have for my best mate will have magically vanished. 

He thinks I’m too stuck in my ways and all I need to do to get over Trent is to venture out of my comfort zone by completing Alastor’s specially tailored kink list. 

I figure it’s worth a go, even if the only thing I accomplish is proving Alastor wrong. But I’m not going to let him have all the power—while I’m checking off items on his list, he’s going to be completing one of mine. 

Fire away."]

Enemies-to-loves? Opposites attract? Secret fling? Rom Com? Novella? Hot as fuck and fluffy, too? Yes, yes, yes, and yes (and yes--and yes).

Also, these two beautiful idiots don't even realize they're in love with each other until it slaps them in the faces--and then the inevitable third-act-break-up where I almost cried. Oh, right: spoiler alert and spoiler alert.

I just...Isla's books are always so fantastic and well-rounded and sweet and hot and... A+++

#listmewithyourbestshot #andthebestmanranawaywiththegroom #bestmen #bestmenseries #islaolsen #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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