Monday, May 29, 2023

Show Me (Extracurricular Activities #3)

Not sure I have any rhyme or reason to why I read next. Here's Neve Wilder's Extracurricular Activities series. The third novel is "Show Me."

["Two Roommates. One Camera. A whole lot of action.

I get crushes the way some people get seasonal allergies.
And sharing a house with four hot roommates is like being stuck in permanent spring.
Too bad I keep getting friend-zoned.

But it’s senior year now, and I’m done pining for the impossible.
Time to live it up and go out with a bang.
Or a lot of bangs.

And I’m definitely, definitely not getting attached to anyone.
Especially not my straight, gym-loving, football-player roommate Sam whose impressively large... smile I caught a glimpse of once.
Or several times.

That’s why, when Sam asks me for help with a very special, very NSFW project so he can make a little cash, of course I agree. In the name of friendship.

And if it turns out that Sam’s more than just muscles—that he’s sweet, and smart, and a little bit filthy, and a whole lot less straight than I thought—well, that’s neither here nor there, because this time I’m gonna be smart. This time, I’m friend-zoning myself.

We’ve got a list of deliciously hot scenarios, a camera, and Sam’s huge… smile. What could possibly go wrong?"]

Some of the only angst in this one was the fuck-I-can't-have-feelings-for-another-roommate-slash-friend from Jesse and the what-am-I-feeling-and-why from Sam, which was oddly refreshing after the last two books in this series. 

And okay, we've all read books where the MC is a camboy or a stripper/dancer or a porn star (I mean...we have, right?--if you haven't, I got some good recommendations for you), but the pure heat in this book? Fucking hell. It was so...just...the chemistry and the naturalness of it all. It was seamless, going from friends to "helping" with the videos to helping with the videos. Their friendship mored into something so beautiful and easy. Plus, who wouldn't want to cuddle on the couch, watch baking shows, and take naps (that's like my entire weekend persona).

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