Monday, August 14, 2023

Chance Match (the Perfect Match Agency #2)

Reading an entire multi-author series to read two of the books by an author I love? Why the hell not! Besides, it gets two books off my TBR list all the while adding a few more to my Read list AND discovering a few new fabulous authors. Sounds like a win-win-win to me. ;)

The series is the Perfect Match Agency. The second book is "Chance Match" by Wendy Rathbone.

["Can love be quantified by a simple blood test and an algorithm? Sometimes...but not always.

Kace’s heats are difficult and painful. His last alpha boyfriend hurt him by trying to breed him when Kace wasn’t ready or willing, and Kace was too polite to stop it but left the next day still in the throes of heat. His doctor calls his condition Heat Repulsion, and tells him if he meets his fated mate, that condition might go away. He recommends Perfect Match Agency for Kace, a new company that uses the science of pheromones to help people find their fated mates.
But when Kace goes on his first blind date with his perfect match, it’s not the alpha taking him out to dinner that interests him, but the man’s sulky assistant, Storm.

Alpha Storm has a secret. Because of a boyhood betrayal, he dislikes omegas who he has decided are superficial, silly, whimsical and untrustworthy. He has only ever hooked up with alphas. He has never been with an omega in heat, so he’s never experienced a knot and doesn’t even know if he can. But why would he want to knot anyone? He trusts no one.

Suddenly, both men experience off-schedule signs of pre-heat and pre-rut, and they soon discover they are causing each other’s symptoms.

Can both men overcome their insecurities, griefs and fears long enough to test the compatibility between them?"]

These two were very opposed to the situation they found themselves in. Well, Storm was. Mostly. Kace, he was hoping against hope that it was real, that this could be his. Even when all the signs pointed to Fated Mates, they were still hesitant. 

Until they weren't. Then they were all in. Head over heals. Giddy as schoolboys. Reading each other's mind. All. In. 

And then it ended with a multi-chapter epilogue that was so sweet and perfect and HEA.

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