Sunday, August 13, 2023

See Me (Requited #1)

Just when you think you have your (reading) life back on track, you see another add for another novella. I have a hard time saying no to novellas. Here's Cece Bennett's "See Me." 

["I had been content to watch him in my mirror for too long. Now I wouldn’t be satisfied until I had all of him. 

Oliver Calloway only looked at me when he had to - or when there was a girl on his lap. He had gone from a childhood friend to a stranger, and now I was his driver. 

For the last five years I had driven him to work, to his apartment, to meetings, and to clubs, all while keeping my desires to myself. My feelings were unrequited, I knew that from the beginning. I was gay and he was straight, so I was content to watch him from the front seat. 

Until he tried to bring home a guy. 

It was one thing to sneak glances at him when I knew it was hopeless, but if there was a chance… 

I was going to make him see me, once and for all."]

I'm on the fence on how I feel about the POV in this. On one hand, having only Ben narrate, you get more angst and more unrequited feelings and more unknown (and more miscommunication). On other hand, if both Ben and Oliver would have narrated, I think it would have been a little smoother of a read (and I mean, I'm all for mutual pining--that makes the angst more giddy).

But, the sex was hot as hell. If only they  t a l k e d  about their feelings after the sex (or before--or any time really), then there would have been less angst, and tears, and no almost-third-act-break-up. 

#seeme #requited #requitedseries #cecebennett #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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