Saturday, October 21, 2023

Mad Man (Necessary Evils #5)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Mad Man." It's the fifth novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["Avi Mulvaney is many things. Son. Twin. Owner of the fashion label, Gemini. Murderous psychopath. Together, he and his brother, Asa, make one brutally efficient monster, ridding the world of predators who victimize the innocent. History proves Avi and Asa don’t do well apart, but their father has decided to test that theory.

Felix Navarro knows exactly who he is. Baby brother. Fashionista. Vigilante. While he’s not happy that his big brother married a Mulvaney, the union has its perks. Like a paid internship with Gemini. But all good things come with a cost and, for Felix, that’s enduring Avi Mulvaney each day, which inevitably leads to thinking about him every night.

Felix doesn’t like Avi. He’s cocky, condescending, overbearing, and inappropriate. He’s also sexy, brilliant, and twice as lethal as Felix. Still, Felix loathes him. Even if he keeps letting him kiss him. And touch him. Even if he slipped just once. It was still hate sex, and it would never happen again. Ever.

Except, Avi’s being sent to help take down a dangerous crime ring and he’s ordered Felix to come along. Felix has vowed to stay strong. To remember he hates Avi. But they’re trapped together and there’s only one bed, and it’s so hard to hate Avi in the dark when he’s whispering how Felix belongs to him. Felix belongs to no man, but Avi is determined. He has one week to prove to Felix that he’s the exception to his rule. After all, who says no to a Mulvaney?"]

It's amazing and astonishing how completely different and complex each different Mulvaney is. They're all psychopaths, but their levels of psychopathology are completely different. As are their levels of peopling. As are their favorite ways to torture/kill (as as their favorite ways to love/lust). Each person is different in so many ways. It's complex as fuck and beautiful and soooo talented of Onley. Go her.

Go me (and us) for being able to read these masterpieces. 

I also loooooove how Avi's book takes place alongside Asa's book. What else would we expect from mirror twins?? ;) 

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, murder, non-main-character sexual violence, consensual knife play and blood play, and more

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