Wednesday, October 11, 2023

What Happened on Hicks Road

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "What Happened on Hicks Road."

["Sadie Oliver is loving her new life in California. For the first time, she has friends and a normal teenage life filled with parties and pranks. But when one of those pranks goes horribly wrong, Sadie hits someone with her car on a dark, winding road. Or at least… she thinks she did.

Though her friends are quick to convince her that they didn’t see anything, Sadie can’t shake the vision of the girl in the headlights: bloody hair, wide, terrified eyes, lips parted in a scream. When she goes out to investigate, there’s a slight dent in the car, but that’s it: no body, no blood.

Sadie wants to go to the police—but how can she? She shouldn’t have been driving, and as her friends remind her, there’s nothing to tell. But when a note that says FIND ME is slipped through Sadie’s window, she fears that she’s either onto something big… or slipping deeper into the illness that took her mother."]

I knew that Sadie couldn’t be schizophrenic, because another one of Hannah Jayne’s characters ended up being schizophrenic (spoiler alert—I just won’t tell you which book). But he/she/they did a faaaaaaabulous job at convincing me (and Sadie) that she was.

Much less horror than I assumed it would be (the road and the legends and the ghost girl all pointed to paranormal), but if definitely upped on the thrill-level. And I was definitely left completely shoooocked during the last two chapters. Shocked.

#whathappendonhicksroad #hannahjayne #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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