Sunday, January 28, 2024

2024 Reading Challenges

I've decided to challenge myself a little bit this year. 

Last October, I dared myself to read only thrillers, murder mysteries, paranormal, or dark romances for the month, trying to keep with the theme of October/Halloween, but still reading within my favorite genres/series/authors (this is a hill I will diiiiiie on; life is too short to read books to impress other people. read books that you want to read. period). It was a really fun month! I still got a loooot read while exploring more of the dark romance side of things that I haven't super dived into yet.

For 2024, I want to do more of that. 

I have a few standard reading challenges set up for the entire year. Namely the Alphabet Challenge, but I want to see if I can fill in A-Z on book titles, authors, and series (or at least 2 of the 3).

I'll also be trying a few more monthly themes. October will be the same as last year. June will be all queer reads (which I completely last year with a silent dare to myself--which, wasn't hard, as 95% of what I read is queer). I'll set up a few months as Beat The Backlog months (trying to tame some of those TBR piles, both physical and digital). I want to gives myself a few months here and here to be able to play catch up though with my top authors/series, so not every month will be a thematic dare (and so I don't burn myself out).

ALSO, I'll be doing month book shape challenges. During Pride Month, I try to do a lot of pride flag theme posts with my books as well as making a rainbow out of my queer book collections, and it's always a fun time (crazy and chaotic and filled with blood, sweat, and tears--but a fun time nonetheless). So each month, I'll also pick a shape pertaining to a holiday that month or a season and attempt to create it out of my numerous book piles around the house. 

Have you every done a book dare (whether it be for a week, a month, or a year)? Did you enjoy it? What reading challenges have you tried? Any recommendations for me to add to my growing list?

#reading #readingchallenge #readingdare #bookdare #bookchallenge #alphabetchallenge #beatthebacklog #monthlythemes #monthlychallenge #bookshape #bookshapechallenges #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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