Saturday, July 13, 2024

Fear of Flying

Another day, another ARC, another moment to try something new. Here's K.C. Elle's "Fear of Flying."

["Love is in the air. Probably. Most likely. But will a bit of turbulence get in the way of their love taking flight?

Drew Parker knows he’s never going to get married. Fall in love. Have a family. But that’s okay, really. It’s safer that way—living life out to his family but otherwise in the closet—just as his parents have always told him. Besides, though he’s attracted to men, he’s never felt the urge to actually be intimate with anyone. So, really, it doesn’t matter.

Until Drew meets Zach.

Zach Harrison’s anxiety doesn’t rule his entire life, just mostly his social life. And undeniably his love life. According to his best friend, Jen, it’s the sole reason why he’s never had a date or even been kissed. He’s hoping someday he’ll just run into his Prince Charming and they’ll live happily ever after. But real life’s not that simple.

When Tired-of-Lawyering-All-Weekend Drew meets Absolutely-Terrified-of-Flying Zach, Drew comes to Zach’s rescue, and sparks seem to fly. And when a snowstorm grounds their connecting flight—and every flight in the city—their instant love connection starts to soar.

After spending almost two blissfully perfect days in the same hotel room being in love, it’s clear they’re made for each other. But is “meant to be” enough to help Drew finally get over his fear of flying?"]

God!!! This book was so freaking adorable! Watching them connect on the plane, watching them fall in love at the airpot hotel, watching them discover themselves and their true paths in life. It was glorious and beautiful and so achingly perfect. 

The spice was so fluffy and trusting and sweet! I mean, honestly, this book was a tooth-ache of adorableness, but it was so damn worth it (even with the trigger warnings). As was the hour I spent crying over these two (worth it).

I can't believe this utter gem was K.C.'s debut novel (if this is what she can do right off the bat, I can't even imagine what she's going to do when she really gets in the zone).

Text from Jen to Zach: "'I know you're not suggesting I trigger my social anxiety to fix my flying anxiety.'"

Drew about Zach: "Though, god, what he really needed to know was that he wasn't alone in this feeling, this out of control, wildly wonderful and terrifying...whatever it was. Butterflies and blushing and desire and...something more."

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, toxic parenting, anxiety, aerophobia, and more.

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