Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Teasing the Winger (Green Springs University #3)

Here's "Teasing the Winger" by Laura John. Its the third novel in her Green Springs University (aka GSU) series.

["Falling for a tease is a bad idea, right?

Growing up, all I ever wanted was to play soccer. I know it isn't going to be forever, but while I'm still in college, I am going to give it my all. Just like I’ve always done.

Everything was going according to plan...until the universe decided it would be fun for me to develop feelings for the man I saw as nothing more than an annoyance.

Sasha is the last man I expected to fall for, and when I find out he wants to date me, it leaves me even more confused. Even though I know he’s a good guy, I’m still terrified to trust him with my heart. He isn’t known for being a relationship guy, and that’s the only way I’m built.

We are polar opposites and most likely would never work out. But is he worth the risk?"]

This book had a lot less angst and push-back than I had imagined. There was some hesitation, from both sides, of the Big Feelings and jumping into a relationship, but *gasp* they ended up talking things out. 

They were both so understanding of the other's needs. They were sweet and fluffy and adorable. Plus, the sheer support they got from their friend groups?! 

Of course there was spice, which was also perfect. Laura never stops amazing me with her work.

Trigger Warnings: previous domestic abuse, (minor) gun use, toxic ex, absent parents, and more

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