Monday, July 15, 2024

The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project (Alpha Tau #4)

Here's "The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project" by Lisa Henry and Sarah Honey. Its the fourth book in their Alpha Tau series.

["When Charlie Mercer meets a cute guy at a party during summer break, sparks fly. But Tanner never calls him. Typical. At least he has his sophomore year at Lassiter and his fraternity brothers at Alpha Tau to distract him—and maybe this will be the year he finally meets someone.

College is meant to be a new chapter in Tanner North's life, except he's still stuck in the shadow of his older brother, Colt. Not only is Tanner going to Lassiter like Colt did, he's also pledging to Kappa Beta Rho because Colt was chapter president there last year. Whatever. Tanner's not interested in getting involved in the dumb frat war that Kappa Beta Rho has going on with Alpha Tau. He's just going to keep his head down and his grades up until he graduates.

It's a solid plan, right up until Tanner realizes that Charlie is a member of Alpha Tau. And it turns out that keeping their hands off each other is harder than they thought."]

This book was littered with misunderstandings and miscommunications and internal anxiety ruling out reason. But they're baby gays (and underclassmen--and men). And there was, eventually, a happily ever after.

I looooved all of the references to Romeo and Juliet: the lines, the scenes, the characters, the motivations, the families, the ending(s). It was gloriously in all of the nerdy-ness. 

Quote of the Day (Tanner//Charlie): "'Roleplay?' My heart raced, and I reached out and touched his lips softly before letting my hand drop. 'I think I'm a kinesthetic learner, Charlie. You should totally keep teaching me like that.' // He leaned closer. 'That's fine for the kissing parts, Tanner, but it's gonna get messy when we get to the murders.' // 'Worth it.'" Worth it. ;)

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