Monday, August 12, 2024

Deadly Little Sparrow (Mafia Bound #1)

Another day, another lucky chance at another ARC. "Deadly Little Sparrow" is the first novel in K.M. Neuhold's Mafia Bound series (which was previously published on her Patreon page--if only I had all the money in the world to follow all of my fav authors on Patreon). 

["Is there such thing as love at first bar fight?

I may be small and pretty, but what I lack in intimidation factor, I make up for in violence.I made a vow five years ago that the motorcycle club responsible for my brother’s death would pay the price, and I’m finally ready to collect. May God have mercy on the men who hurt my brother, because I don’t plan to.

Accidentally breaking the nose of the deadliest man in the city wasn’t my best move. Xaviaro Saviano, trigger man for the Moretti Crime Family... and now my own personal stalker. But if I have to go through him to deliver well-deserved justice, so be it.

As strange as it sounds, Xaviaro seems to want to help me more than he wants to hurt me. I can’t shake the man no matter what I do. Threatening him feels like foreplay, tying him up only turns him on… I could play nice, but that’s never been my strong suit.

I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t starting to grow on me, especially when he calls me his Deadly Little Sparrow from his knees. I’ve never met a man who could handle me, let alone one who can’t stop begging me for more.

Can love and revenge live in the same heart? I guess there’s only one way to find out…"]

What is it about dark romances (especially mafia ones)? Don't get me wrong, I loooove a trigger-free, trauma-free, relatively angst-less romance read (they're cleansing for the soul), but a dark romance filled with blood and threats and soooo many red flags? When psychotic meets unhinged? When trauma matches trauma? When your red flags match? GOD! That is something so FREAKING satisfying. 

These two were sooooo cute! For assassins. Assassins can be cute. They were obsessed with each other on an unhealthy level, and it was glorious. They were perfect for each other. And I loooooved how everyone reacted to Sparrow and their relationship.

And the QUOTES on this one!?!?! It was soooooo hard to narrow them down (hence why I have more than one...or two)...and somehow, they're all from/by Xav...

The moment Xav sees Sparrow for the first time: "Would it be inappropriate to propose to a man while he's in the middle of threatening someone's life? It would be a hell of a story to tell at our wedding, if nothing else."

The (second) time Sparrow threatens Xav's life: "But why the hell would I want to do that when my little bird looks so damn stunning when he's murderous like this?"

The morning of their first date (aka when Xav kidnaps Sparrow and then goes on 'collections'): "And I that if I thought I still had a soul, he could have claimed it as his own when he slammed me up against that door in the alley and put his hand around my throat."

Trigger Warnings: violence and murder (of bad guys), a near death of a main character in his POV (don't worry, he's fine! lol), and more.

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#deadlylitlesparrow #mafiabound #mafiaboundseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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