Monday, December 9, 2024

Christmas Beau (Christmas Falls: Season Two #6)

AHHHH! We're back to Christmas Falls for Seasons Two!! Here's Amy Aislin's "Christmas Beau."

["Hank Beaufort's life is a mess.

Oh, he looks like he has it all together, but the reality is that he's freshly retired from an unimpressive minor hockey career, and the ink is barely dry on his equally unimpressive second divorce. Now he's the hockey director at the community center in a small town that treats Christmas like Santa Claus is real, and he's not sure his new career is any more impressive than the last. As the new guy in town, he'd be lonely as hell if it weren't for his dogs.

The one spot of brightness?

Scott Jersey, the adorably awkward single dad who brings his son to practice every week.

Hank's not interested in a new relationship so soon after the disaster of the last one, but when doggy play dates lead to real dates, will he be able to set aside his reservations to be someone's Christmas beau after all?"]

Hockey Hunk Hank and Sweet Single-Dad Scott. Gaaaah, these two were all of the adorable. So much awkwardness and stuttering and blushing and general cuteness (mostly, okay all, from Scott--but Hank was a goner for it, so it worked).

I loooooved how they had neighboring tables at the craft show. Hank selling homemade dog treats, Scott selling hand-sewn baby blankets. God, they're crafty dorks who belong together. I love it. 

It took Hank a bit to get over his past and accept his feelings for Scott (and some miscommunication thrown in there--and some meddling from family/the town--and literally no brain-to-mouth filter on Scott's part (but again, Hank thought it was endearing)), but they figured it out and made it work. 

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