Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Minute More (Timeless #1)

There are too many new books, new-ish books, old-ish book, and older books to pick from (far too many). So I decided to cross off more backlog from my list (or slowly cross off an author from my to-binge list). Here's Cora Rose's "A Minute More." It's the first novel in her Timeless series.

["I'll admit I've never had grandiose plans for my future. I'm really more of a "take it as it comes" sort of dude. But making minimum wage at a small-town sandwich shop wasn't exactly what I had in mind after college graduation either. It may not be an exciting life, but it isn't so bad. At least I have my amazing coworkers and friends who always try to make the workday fun.

Everyone, that is, except the new guy, Simon.

That guy is not fun. He's broody and silent, but I can tell that something interesting is brewing just under his surface. Day after day I try to get his attention, try to coax him out of his shell. He won't even look at me, let alone talk. It's making me a little crazy, if I'm honest.

I don't even know why I care—I'm not gay. But there's just something about him that draws me in. He's become this mystery that I need to unravel.

Until one night I get a small peek behind Simon's mask—a shared kiss, just a minute in time, and then it's gone.

I don't even know what to think. All I know is I need more.

I want all the hidden parts of him.

I don't understand this obsession, this need.

And I'm afraid that there isn't much I wouldn't do for just a minute more."]

This reminded me a lot of Whit and Caleb. Broken, gay boy with impossible feelings and even more impossible "obligations". Dude-bro jock suddenly and completely whipped (and not so straight).

I loved the seamless transition (Wes's) from "I just want to be his friend" to "I just want to own him." It was glorious and crazy fast. But it worked for them. For the most part.

Also, love that we're putting mental health above a rushed romance..for them. For me, I almost hurt myself trying not to sob. Seriously though, I could have done without all of the Feelings and tears and waffling (sadly, not literal waffles)...but without all of the grief and the secrets and the waiting, they wouldn't have been them.

Trigger Warnings: drunk driving (not MCs), alcoholism (not MCs), death of a loved one, greif

#aminutemore #onemoretime #timeless #timelessseries #corarose #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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