Monday, January 27, 2025

Reaching Reed (Behind The Camera #1)

There are too many new books, new-ish books, old-ish book, and older books to pick from (far too many). So I decided to cross off more backlog from my list (or slowly cross off an author from my to-binge list). Here's Cora Rose's and Nicole Dykes's "Reaching Reed." It's the first novel in their Behind The Camera series.

["Reed Ellis is absolutely gorgeous, but a total newbie to camming, a virtual nobody in my world.

I should have just deleted his message request for a steamy, on-camera collaboration. Not everyone is cut out to be a camboy. But there’s just something about him I couldn’t resist.

He’s timid and inexperienced, quiet and closed off, but his fumbling first-times play out scorching hot for the cameras, and our videos together are an instant success.

I know I should just ride this out, sit back and watch the money roll in, and then move on.

But I can’t. I’m intrigued by this brick wall of a man. I see glimpses of Reed hiding behind his silence and he is struggling. He has secrets, someone he cares about that he’s protecting. And I make it my mission to get him to open up and let me in. What will it take to reach the elusive Reed?"]

Fuck, this book was a riot of emotions. These two with all of their feelings (and Feelings), the angst, the steam, the secrets. FUCK, the secrets. I expected a little bit of the off-page stuff that Reed alluded to, but not the big one. 

And all of the emotions and trouble and complications that secret brought in? Seriously, I cried. A few times. That secret was worth the tears (and the bump in their relationship--that almost made me cry), but wow. 

Reed and Carter though? They were so mutually possessive (it was adorable). They were sweet and spicy and perfect for each other. It wasn't easy, but they had a support system to get them through it. 

Trigger Warnings: parental abandonment, past (off-page) mentions of child abuse, and more.

#reachingreed #becomingbennet #discoveringdamon #lovingleo #behindthecamera #behindthecameraseries #corarose #nicoledykes #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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