Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Simplicity (Oakley's Crew #1)

STILL overwhelmed by the sheer number of TBRs. So still not start something completely random aka, slowly crossing another author off my to-binge list. Here's Nicole Dykes's "Simplicity." It's the first book in her Oakley's Crew series, which is a spin-off of her Kensley Panthers series.

There are several principles of landscaping, but my favorite has always been simplicity.
I’m a go with the flow and keep it simple kind of guy. Always have been. Always will be.
It’s how I do my job and how I live my life.
Of course, as luck would have it, it only takes one job and one indescribably hot stranger to change everything for me.
Because one thing Dutton Collins is not . . . simple.

I should have sold the house. I shouldn’t be here in the middle of nowhere Kansas.
My grandmother didn’t care for me when she was alive, something she made sure I knew. So now I’m struggling to understand why she’d leave me her home and all her possessions when she died.
I miss the city and was heading back home, ready to give up, when Walker Murphy barreled into my life and complicated the hell out of it.
How am I supposed to leave this all behind when he’s showed me the beauty in the simple life?"]

This book had a different all-around vibe than the other books of Nicole's I've read so far. It was faaar less angsty, less trigger warning, less dramatic. It was...simple.

They were two available people who know who they were and what they wanted. And they went for it. They became friends, rather quickly, and then fell in love. Walker helped Dutton fall in love with every day life, and Dutton helped Walker fall more into himself, more into his town.

They were adorable as hell, for one. And seeing Oakley and Travis all happy and shit?! Yes! I want all of the rest of the Please?

Trigger Warnings: brief mentions of homophobia, homophobia grandparent, and more.

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Simplicity (Oakley's Crew #1)

STILL overwhelmed by the sheer number of TBRs. So still not start something completely random aka, slowly crossing another author off my to-...