I read "Everything, Everything" by Nicola Yoon during a period where I was reading a bunch of books that were being made into movies. I read "The Sun is Also A Star" shortly after, after falling in love with Yoon's storytelling, her works, her characters.
"Everything, Everything" following a girl who is literally allergic to everything. Anything, everything, could kill her. She doesn't question the safety of her bubble-home, of her mother's care until a cute, slightly mysterious, totally crushable boy moves in next door. So obviously, they fall in love and fall in trouble.
"The Sun is Also a Star" (which is about to be a movie, too) follows a boy who falls in love too easily and has nothing to lose and a girl who protects herself/her family at all costs and has absolutely everything to lose. They have one day to fall in love, one day before she'll be deported and he'll lose her forever.
The summaries are a little weak, but I'm trying to cut down on my rambling.
#everythingeverything #thesunisalsoastar #nicolayoon #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks
I love, love, love reading about love. That is what I do best. Reading and writing about people falling in love... Here I will post reviews on books about love, about romance, about LGBTQIA. Sometimes there will be full-length, publish-worthy reviews. Sometimes the posts will be slightly this side of a literary rant. If you have any recommendations for me, please, reach out. Bookstagram: _simplygraceless_
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
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