Tuesday, February 12, 2019

John Green + David Levithan + ___ + etc

John Green + David Levithan + ___ + etc

I can't tell you what I read first, or who I love more. But this list of books, these authors and co-authors, need a little attention, a little TLC.

I won't go into detail of each book, but instead, give you a list of Titles + Authors and trust that you, my dear readers, will go do some homework. Go, Google these texts, see if any interest you, then do some serious reading.

John Green: "Turtles All The Way Down"
John Green: "Looking For Alaska"
John Green: "The Fault in Our Stars"
David Levithan: "Two Boys Kissing"
David Levithan: "Every Day"
David Levithan & Rachel Cohn: "Naomi and Eli's No Kiss List"
John Green & David Levithan: "Will Grayson, Will Grayson"

#turtlesallthewaydown #lookingforalaska #thefaultinourstars #twoboyskissing #everyday #naomiandelisnokisslist #willgraysonwillgrayson #johngreen #davidlevithan #rachelcohn #bokstagram #bookphotography #books #ilovebooks

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