Sunday, February 24, 2019

The Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson

Societies were built on storytelling. Sharing experiences. Building relationships. Establishing lines of communication.

Writing them down began the world that I love: reading and authorship.

The Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson were some of the very first to do so. And oh how well they did.

We tell and retell their stories every day. How many Cinderella's, Snow White's, Aurora's, Ugly Ducklings, Little Mermaids, and more do you know, love. 

Where would I be, where would any author be (or reader for that matter) without these men (and the women like them)?

Q1: What's your favorite OG fairytale?

Q2: What's your favorite retelling?

A1: Cinderella, I think...
A2: Ever After: A Cinderella Story (partially because I'm not sure if the 2003 Peter Pan counts)

#grimmbrothers #hanschristiananderson #fairytales #cinderella #uglyduckling #sleepingbeauty #snowwhite #littlemermaid #retelling #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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