Saturday, March 2, 2019

Lord of the Flies

Okay, I lied to you. The book that really made me discover the wonder of literature, higher education, and analyzing/theorizing was "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

This was the very first book we read sophomore year of high school in advanced academic english. My teacher that year...she changed my life. Her passion for books, for teaching, has driven me every day since then. Thank you, Mrs. Mann.

"Lord of the Flies" focuses on a group of young boys as they're abandoned on an uninhabited island after a plane crash and are forced to figure out how to live (all Survivor style). This novel has so many metaphors and powerful symbols. There was so much to analyze. I loved it.

The major question that this novel addresses is: are people born evil or does society turn people evil? This novel fueled my love of criminology/psychology/sociology before I knew what this field of study was.

Many people think that "The Maze Runners" was inspired by "Lord of the Flies". What modern novel(s) that were inspired by a classic is your favorite?

#lordoftheflies #williamgolding #theclassics #piggyisthebest #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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