Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Divine Comedy

"The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri...I remember reading "Inferno" in high school. It was one of the many books (that I plan on sharing with you today) that helped me shape my academic identity, push forward my love of literature, and understand my drive for books that mean something, that come from something important, that shape minds.

"Inferno" was fabulous to read. I should have been inspired to lead a better life, to stop sinning or something. Instead, I fell in love with the dark themes and even darker imagery. 

If you haven't read it, "Inferno" is the journey of Dante (not (necessarily) the author) as he descends through the nine levels of hell. 

In high school, one of our reading projects was to pick something to make into hell and give it nine different depths as well as create punishments to fit accordingly. Most people picked their workplaces or sports teams. I picked annoying people. I can't remember all of the circle I made, but I know one was parents who put their children on leashes.

If you had to do this project, what would your hell be?

The other two books in this series follow Dante as he goes through Purgatory and Paradise. I've yet to read these additions, but I plan to (eventually).

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