Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Pumpkin Mocha Breve

Pumpking Mocha Breve, anyone? 

Okay, so I don't like coffee, therefore mine was more of a pumpkin infused hot chocolate. It was a little sweet (okay, a lot sweet--sorry, Baz--it's like drinking a candy bar) (next time, I'll be cutting down on the vanilla syrup--and maybe the pumpkin). But it was really good. Like, it shouldn't have been that good.

Then again, Basilton Grimm Pitch isn't an idiot (and neither is Rainbow Rowell).

It's fall y'all. Pumpkin patch (and chocolate dipped frozen pumpkin pie on a stick) safely! ;)

#pumpkinmochabreve #ornot #pumpkinhotchocolate #itslikedrinkingacandybar #pumpkinheads #carryon #waywardson #anywaythewindblows #rainbowrowell #tyrannusbasiltongrimmpitch #simonsnow #books #LGBT #LGBTbooks #snowbaz #LGBTbooks #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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