Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wesley James Ruined My Life

"Wesley James Ruined My Life" by Jennifer Honeybourn was just the book I needed. A fabulously easy read. A fantastic contemporary novel. A totally cliched (but still works) romance troupe. 

I'm in a book rut lately. I don't know if its the humidity (which is hella high) or just reading rollercoaster thing or the fact that I read a lot of really really (really) good books lately and it's hard to top them.

But Wesley James totally (or not) ruining Quinn's life (like I said--or not ;) ) definitely helped.

["ixteen-year-old Quinn Hardwick’s having a rough summer. Her beloved grandmother has been put into a home, her dad’s gambling addiction has flared back up and now her worst enemy is back in town: Wesley James, former childhood friend—until he ruined her life, that is.

So when Wesley is hired to work with her at Tudor Tymes, a medieval England themed restaurant, the last thing Quinn’s going to do is forgive and forget. She’s determined to remove him from her life and even the score all at once—by getting him fired.

But getting rid of Wesley isn’t as easy as she’d hoped. When Quinn finds herself falling for him, she has to decide what she wants more: to get even, or to just get over it."]

#wesleyjamesruinedmylife #jenniferhoneybourn #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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