Friday, April 9, 2021

Ex-Mas Present (Lakeview Resort Holiday Series #2)

And more novella Isla Olsen Fun with "Ex-Mas Present" (Lakeview Resort Holiday Series #2)


What do you do when the guy you're sure is the love of your life suddenly stops returning your calls?

Fly to another state, drive for hours, and spend Christmas away from your family all so you can ask him what the hell's up. Obviously.

But before you report me to the cops for my admittedly pretty stalker-ish behavior, just here me out...

All I want is to know why. Why Adrian gave up on us when as far as I knew everything was going great. I'm not going to pressure him, I'm not going to try to seduce him. I just want closure.

And if that closure happens to include an epically steamy encounter in the wine cellar, well that's just a bonus."]

Much like the first book, this short story contains ghosting, but no actual ghosts. ;)

Again Part 1: A very quick and very easy read. Took (a lot) less than an hour (like less than half an hour)

Boys are dumb. Boys in love are absolute fucking idiots. "This relationship is getting hard and difficult and instead of talking about it, I'm just going to ghost him. Yeah, that'll work." Okay, that was a little mean of me, but holy fuck, talk to each other y'all (seriously!!!).
Either way, there was a happy ending (even if it didn't happen until the last three pages).

Again Part 2: A very cute read for any time of the year (not just Christmas).

And before you ask, you have to get this short story through #ProlificWorks. It's not available directly through Amazon (hence the poor picture quality--that and my laziness to actually set something up).

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