Friday, April 9, 2021

The Ghosts of Crushes Past (Lakeview Resort Holiday Series #1)

And more novella Isla Olsen Fun with "The Ghosts of Crushes Past" (Lakeview Resort Holiday Series #1)


All I want for Christmas is my best friend, Tyler. And so, it seems, does everyone else...

I have an awesome, not at all cheesy mistletoe-related plan to make my Christmas wish come true, but before I can put it into action I’m thwarted by the arrival of not one, not two, but three of Ty’s drop-dead gorgeous former crushes. It seems they’ve all conspired to spend their holiday break at my family’s Aspen resort...and they’ve all got eyes for Tyler—I’m sure of it.

Now I need to come up with a new plan. A plan that involves showing Tyler that I’m the guy for him, that what we have could be so much more than friendship...

And if I happen to break a limb or burn my house down in the process? Well, as they hurts.

Disclaimer: this book does not contain any actual ghosts"]

A very quick and very easy read. Took less than an hour.

Took Tyler a little bit longer than that to realize his feelings (and the absolute depths of them). Evan always knew how he felt (hopeless romantic and utter klutz) but was always too afraid to talk to Tyler about them, let alone actually do anything about them. Until he does...

A very cute read for any time of the year (not just Christmas).

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