Sunday, April 11, 2021

Fakers (Licking Thicket Novel #1)

And I've finally gotten to Lucy Lennox's last series (this one co-written by May Archer): Licking Thicket. The first official novel is titled "Fakers"

["Brooks Johnson’s Words To Live By:

When returning to Licking Thicket, TN, for the first time in ten years to reunite with your nosy neighbors, heart-broken ex-girlfriend, and matchmaking mama who never quite believed you were gay, it’s best to bring a fake boyfriend as backup...

Just don’t be surprised when your ex-girlfriend does the same.

And when her incredibly hot fake boyfriend becomes the one island of calm in a sea of bovine-based insanity, it’s best to exercise caution… especially when he pushes you up against the rough barn wall to check you very thoroughly for splinters...

Just don’t be surprised if you fall head-over-hooves in love with him."]

This novel is set in a very...quirky small town. Much like Schitts Creek. It's ridiculous and had a ton of cheesy jokes, and you really only get them if you're an outsider (or was away for over a decade). You're without a paddle and licking it.

And I just realized there's a prequel to this whole thing. So I have to go in reverse and start that now... (what would I do without Goodreads keeping me in the know?)

But back to THIS book. And FUCK, this book. Brooks was trying so hard to be perfect and make everyone happy. Mal kinda just crash landed into his life and told him that he didn't need to be a people-pleaser, that he could just be himself and it would be enough.

Then Brooks showed Mal (or Mal showed Brooks, it's a two-way street), that not all small country towns are the same, that not everyone is a homophobic shit, that home can be anywhere.

#flakes #fakers #lairs #fools #lickingthicket #lickingthicketnovel #mayarcher #lucylennox #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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