Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Liars (Licking Thicket Novel #2)

And I've finally gotten to Lucy Lennox's last series (this one co-written by May Archer): Licking Thicket. The second book in the series is titled "Liars"

["Parrish Partridge’s True Facts:

There’s nothing hotter than a tall, gruff, bewildered, tattooed mountain of a man cuddling a sweet, orphaned baby, so you can tell yourself that you’ll resist him...

But that’s a lie.

And when that man asks you to do him a favor and pretend to be his very temporary, very fake fiance to help him get custody of that adorable baby, you can pretend you know better than to say yes…

But that’s a lie, too.

And when you actually get to know your kind, strong, pullet-loving prince of a fiance, and all his crazy, lovable, meddling neighbors, you can tell yourself you’re not really falling for Diesel Church and the town of Licking Thicket…

But that might be the biggest lie of all."]

AHHH! Babies! :D

Again, I’ll say it. Of course a tattooed up man holding a baby is hot as fuck. Why the hell wouldn’t it be?

Also, I kind of bawled for a good portion of this. Borderline sobbed. Didn’t even stop for tissues this time. It’s to pure and sweet, and there’s so fucking much on the line. 

And I have an irrational fear of chickens, but shit, if these fictional chickens were cute as fuck. 

And and AND the baby! God I fucking love babies. And the reality of taking care of a baby and their drama and attitude and feeding fights. Yes. On. Point. 

#flakes #fakers #lairs #fools #lickingthicket #lickingthicketnovel #mayarcher #lucylennox #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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