Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Light (Love In O'Leary #5.75)

Another author to obsess over = Another series to binge read. This time with May Archer and her Love In O'Leary series. The final book in this series (#5.75) is titled "The Light"

["When Fran Goode kissed me goodbye four years ago, he took my heart with him.

Sure, there were reasons we broke up, but they all seem silly now. And I know I should have moved on long ago, but the man's burned into my memory: his smile, his kiss, those long, unforgettable nights in his bed.

So instead, I find myself driving up a mountain, on the eve of an O'Leary blizzard, to Fran's remote cabin.

I need to see him again, to look into those gorgeous dark eyes, and to find out, for once and for all, whether the spark that flared between us has gone cold and dark... or has been burning like a beacon for us all along."]

Annnnnd, because I have so self-control (and needed to control something going on in my life--stupid fucking migraines--ironic, I know), I read these last three books out of order. Sue me.

Like the other story stories/novellas in this series far (not including the prequel), this book is O'Leary based but also not (more so than probably the others). It center's around a character introduced in the previous novella (#5.5) and Brian's almost-not-really-never-would-have-actually-happened love interest (at the time): Mark and Mark's HEA (Fran--the total mysterious mountain man who owns the town diner). 

This was some #Notebook level shit. Almost. But the instant connection and the longing and the never see again in years and the old diner and maybe it's not like The Notebook at all, but that's how my brain pictured it, kay?

And then the cabin on top of the mountain during a picturesque winter wonderland with blueberry pancakes and puppies and love in the form of star metaphors? Fuck yes.

#thedate #thefall #thegift #thenote #thesecret #theworld #thefire #thenight #thecastle #thelight #loveinoleary #loveinolearyseries #mayarcher #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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