Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Castle (Love In O'Leary #5.5)

Another author to obsess over = Another series to binge read. This time with May Archer and her Love In O'Leary series. The next book in this series (5.5) is titled "The Castle"

["Brian Carr believes in fairy tales—princes, castles, once upon a times, happily ever afters. He's been that way since we were kids, and no matter how many times it all goes wrong, Brian's never given up hope of finding his one true love.

It's beautiful. Adorable. Charming.

It's also annoying as hell, because I've spent decades standing on the sidelines while guy after guy crushed my best friend's heart, leaving me to pick up his pieces.

The truth is, for as long as Brian has dreamed of fairy tales... I have dreamed of Brian. But if he's waiting for some dude on a white horse to wander into O'Leary, there's no way he's gonna notice the guy who's been by his side all along."]

Annnnnd, because I have so self-control (and needed to control something going on in my life--stupid fucking migraines--ironic, I know), I read these last three books out of order. Sue me.

Like the other two novellas in this series thus far (excluding the prequel), this book is O'Leary based but also not. It center's around Brian (Jamie's ex from Book #4) and him finding his HEA (but technically him and his HEA aren't from O'Leary but the neighboring town of Camdon (probably misspelled, by bad). 

O. M. G. YAS. Okay, besides the fact that this was just all around cute and fluffy and steamy and full of cute little fairy-tale-themed motifs. 

It also had the wedding (Cal and Ash's) from the prequel of this series. Like the almost-final book in the series circles back to the couple who started this series and introduced us into the world of O'Leary. Like, yes (I'm all fucking for craft choices like these, y'all--makes my inner author go batshit).

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